“To have one’s arse filled with noodles” = to be lucky. Makes perfect sense.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: Il me court sur le haricot.
What it means: He’s annoying me.


James Chapman

In French: Pédaler dans la semoule.
What it means: To lose your composure, have trouble doing something.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: L’habit ne fait pas le moine.
What it means: Appearances can be deceiving.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: Avoir la taupe au guichet.
What it means: To be desperate for a shit.


James Chapman

In French: Avoir le cul bordé de nouille.
What it means: To be lucky.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: Couper les cheveux en quatre.
What it means: To make a task unnecessarily difficult.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: Être dans de beaux draps.
What it means: To be in a bad situation.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: En faire tout un fromage.
What it means: To make a big deal out of something.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: Prendre les vessies pour des lanternes.
What it means: To think something is cooler/more beautiful than it really is.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: Ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard.
What it means: It’s not that incredible.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: Pisser dans un violon.
What it means: To waste time on something futile.


James Chapman / BuzzFeed

In French: Chier une pendule.
What it means: To get angry about something insignificant.